Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Adhan (with English Translation)

The Adhan (with English Translation)

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الله أكبر, الله أكبر

Allaah is the greatest, Allaah is the greatest

الله أكبر, الله أكبر

Allaah is the greatest, Allaah is the greatest

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله

I bear witness that there is no deity but Allaah

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله

I bear witness that there is no deity but Allaah

أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله

I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is Allaah’s Messenger

أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله

I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is Allaah’s Messenger

حي على الصلاة

Come to the prayer

حي على الصلاة

Come to the prayer

حي على الفلاح

Come to your good

حي على الفلاح

Come to your good

الصلاة خير من النوم, الصلاة خير من النوم

Prayer is better than sleep, Prayer is better than sleep *

الله أكبر, الله أكبر

Allaah is the greatest, Allaah is the greatest

لا إله إلا الله

There is no deity but Allaah

* is recited only in the Fajar Adhan


Dua After Adhan (Azan)

اللهم رب هذه الدعوة التامة والصلاة القائمة

O Allaah! Lord of this complete call and prayers of ours,by the blessing of it

آت محمداً الوسيلة و الفضيلة

Give to Muhammad (pbuh) his eternal rights of intercession

وابعثه مقاماً محموداً الذي وعدته

And raise him to the promised rank You have promised him

                                                             Shared by Dr. Sohil Momin 
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