Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Below is the link for the Islamic TV

 Below is the link for the Islamic  TV channels you don't need to install any app or any thing just click and browse /Scroll

Daftar Channel :
8.Niaga TV

Don't forget to share. May every one get benefited

Monday, May 14, 2018

Ramadan North and South - Al Jazeera World

Start of Ramadan 2018: A month of God Consciousness

In the United States and Europe, most of the Muslim communities follow astronomical calculations, according to which the first day of fasting will be May 16, 2018 and Eid al-Fitr will be celebrated on June 15, 2018, Insha’Allah.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Hearing unlike Seeing

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Hearing is not like seeing.” [Ahmad]

Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) says: “The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more serious things). Until you see the graves!”  [Surah At-Takathur, Ayah 1-2] Truly, competing in accumulating wealth causes destruction in both worlds. But what is its cure? “Until you see the graves!”

Imam Qurtubi (rahimahu Allah) explains in his Tafseer: “The scholars say: It is recommended for him who wants to cure the diseases of his heart and who sincerely wants to begin obeying Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) to, (1) think about the destroyer of pleasures, the separator of groups and the finisher of sons and daughters - death, (2) see those who have passed away, and (3) visit the graves.

“These three things are recommended for him whose heart has become hard and who persists in sins, as a cure for his spiritual diseases and as a shield against temptations and Shaitaan. If contemplating on death benefits him and his heart becomes soft once again, well and good. But if he persists in sinning, he should also visit the dead and their graves. It is possible that he take heed from the viewing of that which only thinking of did not benefit him.

“For remembering death notifies the heart about where it is going to end and is a warning to it: But seeing him who has already passed away and visiting the graves of the Muslims is witnessing it with one’s own eyes. This has a different and special impact. Rasulullah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: ‘Hearing is not like seeing.’ (Ahmad) Thinking about death is not always possible and does not work for him who wants to cure the diseases of his heart immediately. Seeing a grave is faster, and its impact is greater.

“He should learn from him who is already under the ground. (He should think about) how this person got separated from his family and his loved ones, after leading soldiers and armies, starting new generations and families, and gathering wealth and provisions. Then suddenly, death approached him in a time he never expected and he was caught in such shock he wasn’t able to handle it!

“He who has come to visit the grave should contemplate on the condition of his brothers who have already passed away. These brothers of his had set such high hopes and accumulated so much wealth, now look at how their hopes are finished and their wealth doesn’t do them anything. The soil has now erased the different qualities and traits of their faces and has separated the different parts of their bodies. After them it did the same to their women, it orphaned their children and divided their wealth among their heirs.


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